Let's think about it for ten seconds why this could be interesting and relevant, and I want to ask if anybody changed their mind.
And I'm going to pause for a minute, before I run it, and ask each of you to compute in your head what you think the answer should be.
Instead, I would ask you given that this is the electron occupancy what is the explanation for it?
Putting aside,for the most part,the soul view, because I've argued that there are no souls-- although occasionally I bring it out just for the sake of comparison and contrast-- the main question we want to ask ourselves is how to choose between the body view and the personality view.
If you pay me ten thousand dollars a month to work for you, I'll work for you and I'll think "I'm doing it for ten thousand dollars a month, that makes a lot of sense," but if I do it for nothing then I have to ask myself, "Why am I doing it?"
This particular website has this free nutrient analysis On the website people may choose to get involved in and there may be charges for those things, I don't really know, but there may be and then they may ask you for identifying information, but it's your option to do that.