And what does that say? It says, let's assume I want to do k searches of a list. OK.
What does that say? It says if in the code up here I get an exception of that sort, I'm going to go to this place to handle it.
I have to try to understand what you're saying and I have to refer it to what I want to say, and the circuit of communication between us has to stay open as a result of this mutual and developing understanding of what we're talking about.
You'll see enough things that will confound you, but right now I want to demonstrate a simple paradigm of what it means to know the present and what it means to say this is what the future behavior will be.
And then, having given the counter example That is to say, what I'm going to give is an example of an argument just like it, or at least an argument that seems to be just like it where we can pretty easily see that that argument doesn't work.
I want to say a little bit about the cost of vaccines because this is a part of what makes it difficult to accomplish what's usually our goal in a vaccine development, which is deliver the vaccine to every population in the world.
You might have predicted it the other way around, the twenty dollars, "wow, well, twenty dollars, I must have enjoyed it because I got twenty dollars," but in fact, the logic here is the people with twenty dollars when asked, "What do you think of the task?" could say, "It was boring. I did it for twenty dollars."
But now I'm going to change it, so what is that new version of class say.
So one of the things I didn't say, it's sort of implicit here, is what is the thing I measuring the size of the problem in?
And it takes the set of stocks to simulate, a fig, figure number, this is going to print a bunch of graphs, and I want to say what graph it is, fig mo and whether or not I believe in big mo.
You could run through a little loop to say keep trying until you get one. But one of the ways I could deal with it is what's shown here.