And given this existence of this immaterial soul, it's a possibility, indeed a fair likelihood, hat we will survive our deaths.
But dualism doesn't so much offer the explanation typically as just say, "Well, maybe we'd be better off positing something immaterial."
We are immaterial souls that possess physical bodies, that have physical bodies, that reside in physical bodies, that connect to physical bodies.
Whether or not it's a fact is completely immaterial to Eliza, it's completely immaterial to Henry Higgins, and it's completely immaterial to the outcome of My Fair Lady.
If the soul is immaterial, doesn't it follow automatically, trivially, that the soul can't be destroyed by a material process?
Is the mind to be understood in terms of this immaterial object, the soul? So are there two kinds of things?
But if the soul is something immaterial, then that could continue to exist, even after the destruction of the body.
But he could only wave his hands as to how this physical thing in the world could connect to an immaterial mind.
One possible explanation, the dualist, that's the ghost of your mother, immaterial soul that she is, communicating to you while you're asleep.
According to the dualist, the mind is this immaterial substance and we could call it by different names.
More specifically, dualists like Descartes struggle to explain how a physical body connects to an immaterial soul.
All right. We've been talking about arguments that might give us reason to believe in the existence of an immaterial soul.
So physicalists do not believe in any immaterial object above and beyond the body that's part of a person.
Doesn't it follow that a soul, an immaterial entity, can't be destroyed by a material, physical process?
The dualist position is that the mind is a soul and the soul is an immaterial object.
When I use the word "Soul," I'm going to have in mind this dualist view according to which the soul is something immaterial, nonphysical.
After all, if the soul is an immaterial object, can immaterial objects have locations?
So, this is known as dualism because the claim is, for humans at least, there are two separate things; there's our material bodies and there's our immaterial minds.
Are there things that need to be explained that we could explain if we posited the existence of a soul, an immaterial object, above and beyond the body?
Certainly most people in America believe in some sort of immaterial soul.
I know very little about how immaterial objects are supposed to work.
So when I use the word "Soul," I will try to reserve it for the metaphysical view, according to which souls are something immaterial.
The death will be the destruction of my body, but my soul is immaterial and so my soul can continue to exist after my death.
Do we have immaterial souls, something that might survive the death of our body?
I believe the attempts to establish the existence of a soul, an immaterial object, the house of consciousness separate and distinct from the body, I think those arguments fail.
If the very idea of soul that we're working with here under the dualist picture is the soul as an immaterial substance, it's not made of ordinary atomic matter.
Life requires something immaterial above and beyond matter to explain it.
I'm going to mean something immaterial, something distinct from our bodies.
There must be something extra, something immaterial about us, the soul.