"I think what the Cuban people really want,in the short term, and within the realm of reason, is to live better."
VOA: standard.2010.07.13
We went from being in the realm of the asleep to being in the realm of the awake, and we're going to return from the realm of the awake back to the realm of the asleep and over and over and over again.
我们从睡的状态,进入到醒的状态,接着我们又会从醒的状态,回到睡的状态 周而复始
To enter the realm of the holy, in which there is neither death nor procreation, requires a separation from death and procreation.
In the realm of prevention, he says vaccination is the most important intervention against diseases that cause pneumonia, such as whooping cough and measles.
VOA: standard.2009.11.02
This is the realm of that mountain of imagination that I was showing you in the passage from Good Readers and Good Writers.
"I think that's beyond the realm of what is possible in such a short time.
VOA: standard.2009.10.23
He refused to extend his critique of tyranny in the political realm to a critique of man's domestic tyranny over woman in the private realm, in the domestic sphere.
Of course, as in all of the rest of Greek history, women are excluded from the political realm, and of course, well, I'll just leave it at that.
Of course, Darwin was not interested in suspicion but he was certainly the founder of ways of thinking about consciousness that are determined, socio-biologically determined: determined in the realm of cognitive science, determined as artificial intelligence, and so on.
Now for the rest of the session today, what I'd like to do is take examples from the realm of pop music and use them as paradigms for what happens in the world of classical music.
So returning to Genesis 1, We have an absence of theology and mythology in the sense of a biography of God in this opening chapter And that means the absence of a meta-divine realm.
A lot of people say, well in a way didn't we just rename the metadivine realm God? No.
Crimes in the one realm cannot be compensated by punishment in the other realm. A crime in the realm of life/personal injury has to be compensated in the same realm. In the same way property crimes are not punished by death.
And this is all in the realm of literary interpretation: Read the story closely, see if you can figure out what's going on here.
To be holy means to belong to or to be in the realm of God.
I don't think that the critics who see here an image of castration are just imagining it, because there is such a weird and such a persistent interest in the human body, and especially in the poet's body, throughout this poem - Milton's focus on the body, on the entire realm of the corporeal.