So we know that in each case the heat is going to be the opposite of the work, but the work isn't the same in these two different ways of getting from here to here, right. So let's just see it explicitly. Here's our qA.
If we look at two different foods here, broccoli and the brownie on the right, they're of course much different in calories but they're different in other ways.
But Russia itself has no worse loss for the United States right now could find ways to keep us so tight down in the Middle East for a decade that we could do nothing else.
Again, the point today is not for you to understand in detail all these mechanisms but to understand how those basic concepts we talked about last time, basic concepts of cell communication if arranged in the right kinds of ways can lead to complex outcomes.
再说一次 今天的重点不是,要你理解这些机制的细节,而是借此理解上节课讲的基本概念,细胞通讯的基本概念如果安排得当,可以产生非常复杂的反应
Right? The state of nature is not seen by him as an actual historical condition in some ways, although he occasionally will refer to what we might think of as anthropological evidence to support his views on the state of nature.
All right, now, that's one of the ways we could get things out, but in fact it's really not a good way.