OK, now, we're going to look at the internal energy, and we're going to pretend that it is explicitly a function of temperature and volume.
It is essentially equal to internal energy for condensed systems, but when you look in the books sometimes they will use this term.
But it's allowed to say the internal energy is a function of temperature and volume.
And, so you propose that there is no, that this derivative is zero, and that the internal energy is given simply by this quantity.
So, we have, we're interested in the change in internal energy for various experimental constraints.
One is, du, u is called the internal energy dw or just the energy, is equal to dq plus dw.
And so for many, many problems, especially on exams, especially on this first exam, you will be able to say that this is the relationship between internal energy and temperature.
We have discovered that this partial derivative that appears in the definition, the abstract definition of the differential for internal energy, is just equal to the constant volume heat capacity.
The value of the internal energy is only determined by temperature.
And the first law says, well heat and work are different forms of energy, and we can add them, and the path dependence of these two things is somehow cancelled in the fact that we have this internal energy.
There's some energy, some internal energy.
We'll then look at the quantity, internal energy, which we define through the first law, and we think of it as a function of two variables T and V.
And because there is an explicit relationship between u, delta u, q and w, you can always find the easy way to derive the change in internal energy or the heat or the work.