If I had taken as my interpolation scheme, my white curve here, I could go to infinity and have the equivalent of absolute zero being at infinity, minus infinity.
A linear interpolation between the two, and then some numbers associated with them, 2 7-1/2 and 22-1/2. Why does he choose 7-1/2 as the freezing point of water?
Something like this. That would be perfectly fine interpolation. All right, we choose to have a linear interpolation.
Because we can take our interpolation here our linear interpolation the slope of this line.
The reference points are water freezing or boiling, and the interpolation is linear and then that morphed into the Kelvin scale as we're going to see later.
You can choose a linear interpolation or quadratic, but you've got to choose it.
Now there many ways I can connect these two points together. The simplest way is to draw a straight line. It's called the linear interpolation. My line is not so straight, right here. You could do a different kind of line.
So the concept of an absolute zero, a temperature below which you just can't go, that's directly out of the scheme here, this linear interpolation scheme with these two reference points.
And then we need an interpolation scale.
And then an interpolation scheme.
We have an interpolation scheme between zero and 273.16 with two values for this quantity, and we have a linear interpolation that defines our temperature scale, our Kelvin temperature scale.