India's external affairs minister, S.M.Krishna,is expressing concern about terrorist forces in Pakistan that,he says, "invariably" have India as the object of their attacks.
VOA: standard.2009.10.16
Now I try that on my students, and invariably they say "Well, of course you've got to save the child.
To speak of shepherds and shepherding in a pastoral poem seems almost invariably to be a strategy or a way to speak of poets and their craft of poetry.
And in this battle contentious battle invariably the public will lose,".
VOA: standard.2009.12.21
And her marriage is invariably seen as her reward for all the trouble she's been through.
Whenever Johnson is being arrogant and mean about Paradise Lost, invariably he's on to something, and here he's telling us that Milton's gone too far. He's taken his allegory too far.
One of the most remarkable things about this text is that it's invariably the soaring, libertarian rhetoric that we end up noting, that we end up remembering, and that sticks with us.
They're invariably cited as among the most beautiful and exquisite lines in Paradise Lost but on some level they've proven the bane of scholars because they can't be squared with any of the poem's theological message.
It's absolutely constitutive of the ideal of freedom, of our freedom; because if we don't try everything, if we don't give ourselves an opportunity to decide for ourselves, then, of course, someone will invariably be making those decisions for us.
Virtue invariably protects itself.
Virtue is invariably rewarded with glory and evil evil is always punished. In this amazing image, it's gathered like scum in some eternal cesspool ! where it's self-fed and self-consumed -- problem solved!
The romance heroine is often threatened with rape, but by her cleverness or by good luck or a concatenation of forces ; she can always invariably avert that tragedy; and by the end of the work she can present herself to her future husband as a virgin.
There are, of course, dozens of figures taken from the texts of classical mythology who are alluded to throughout the first two books, but invariably they appear, just as Tantalus does in this very passage, within the context of a simile.
In the debates ranging for the last thirty years or so over the value of traditional pedagogy and over the value of canonical reading lists, Milton is always cited, invariably cited, as the canon's most stalwart representative of oppressive religious and social values.