It's in relation to all of these forms of lateness that we can best understand the opening invocation of Paradise Lost.
At this point it's wonderful: Samson begins to echo Milton from the invocation that we've been looking at, the invocation to Book Three of Paradise Lost.
There is generally a concluding invocation of witnesses, usually the gods are invoked as witnesses to a binding oath, some kind of covenantal oath that brings the treaty into effect, and it's witnessed by gods.
You can think of it as this reaction to the problem of lateness that accounts for one of the invocation's most distinctive features, and that's the repetition of the word "first."
There's a fear here that the ambition of this bid for paternal light is presumptuous, perhaps it's even satanic Satan of course in the next book, Book Four will have his invocation to light.
Now you'll remember from our discussion of the opening invocation to Paradise Lost, that insistent bid that Milton was making: the bid to be first.
You will focus, however, on the opening invocation.
In the invocation to Book Nine of Paradise Lost, Milton describes and it's wonderful to see this representation of this process that, I think, we've been wondering about he describes the process by which the heavenly muse inspires, and he says inspires nightly, the composition of his epic.