And so what you're going to end up with is, well, let's go over that. Here is sodium and chloride.
Let's say that your uncle is going to go on a vacation with you and the rest of your family.
And the last piece I want you to see here, and then I'll let you go is, notice now how that encapsulation, that binding things together has really helped me.
You might even go further, you might say modeling it is always going to miss stuff out, so let's just not bother.
Often a good thing to start with is to put the lowest ionization energy atom in the middle, and if you don't have charge separation then go with that structure, but if you do find you have a lot of separation, such as the case in negative 2, positive 2, and minus 1, then you want to say wait a second, this is really bad in terms of formal charge, let me go ahead and see what other options I have here.
Last thing to say is why would you want to have exceptions? Well, let's go back to that case of inputting a simple little floating point.