It is evident that we want the truth,he said.
VOA: standard.2010.04.12
It is evident that these different Mycenaean towns, all throughout the Greek world, on both sides of the Aegean Sea, were in touch with each other.
Sofia Charlotte of Brandenburg-- I don't know who the hell that is, but it's got to be some royal hanger-on-- wrote that "It is evident that he has not been taught how to eat properly."
He says, sort of toward the top of the right-hand column, page 768: It is evident that the bulk of poetry consists of statements which only the very foolish would think of attempting to verify.
That is to say, it is not self-evident, or it is not always intuitively obvious what our interests are.
Since the 1st of January it has become more and more evident to my mind that the war is henceforth to be conducted upon a different basis.
It is evident Aristotle writes that as it becomes increasingly one as it becomes increasingly unified--the city -it will no longer be a city.