In binary search-- ah, there's that wonderful phrase, this is called a version of binary search just like you saw bin-- or bi-section methods, - when we were doing numerical things- in binary search, I need to keep track of the starting point and the ending point of the list I'm looking at.
As I say, don't worry about any of those details now, but it's a point to keep in mind as you read the dialogues.
I think we just should keep right on going just to get the point across.
It's not meant to be more than five, ten minutes of work, but the point of the question, -15, 20 minutes of work, but the point of the question is to motivate people to keep up with the material and do the readings.
And when we make these comparisons, one thing I want to point out is that we need to keep the constant principle quantum number constant, so we're talking about a certain state, so we could talk about the n equals 2 state, or the n equals 3 state.