All right, next time we're going to talk about a much better scale, which is the ideal gas thermometer and how we get to the Kelvin scale.
And so now, instead of using these reference points for the Kelvin scale, we use the absolute zero, which isn't going to care what the pressure is.
So, this temperature, this absolute zero here, which is absolute zero on the Kelvin scale.
The reference points are water freezing or boiling, and the interpolation is linear and then that morphed into the Kelvin scale as we're going to see later.
And then you would get the Kelvin scale.
And so redefining then the temperature scale to the Kelvin scale, where t in degrees Kelvin is equal to t in degree Celsius, plus 273.15.
We have an interpolation scheme between zero and 273.16 with two values for this quantity, and we have a linear interpolation that defines our temperature scale, our Kelvin temperature scale.