Kathy in Canada wrote: My daughter likes complaining about everything in the morning, and I know that this is from lack of sleep.
VOA: special.2010.10.14
And from the titles we know he considered for this book, none of them make that claim "The Life of Richard Wright."
So, we know from our calculation that we can do over here, that this bond is polar.
And you know,it's exhilarating." This year's national champion is () from New York City.
VOA: special.2009.08.14
And this is when you know that Franny really does benefit from Seymour and Buddy's religious education in the same way that Zooey has.
"I know,boss, but this is very important. The man from the life insurance company was here about that policy you're taking out and he asked me a lot of questions."
VOA: special.2009.10.11
So, clearly, if we remove this barrier mixing takes place and obviously you know that that happens from lots of experience.
There is a lot more feeling of, you know,this country is being taken away from us by people who don't look like us,".
VOA: standard.2009.08.17
If I'm going to make insulin from this I have to know that I've got the introns spliced out correctly.
They also know the gestures. Nearly 4,000 athletes have come from more than 80 countries to take part in the games this year.
VOA: standard.2009.09.10
He gives an example--I like to-- he gives an example from a book that-- or it's a collection-- You know this?
"How does this hunk of flesh, which is not much different from a muscle,you know, it's just a bowl of porridge how does it produce the mind?
VOA: standard.2010.01.15
So you know from algebra I can't actually solve this. There may be multiple solutions to this. What would I have to do to change my code? And the answer is fortunately not a lot.
It usually follows from this that somebody like this points out that whereas we all know that a democratic society is the best society to live in, poetry prefers feudal society: it makes better poetry.
But we know this, in particular, from a series of studies that would be unethical if they were to be done today.
And it should make sense where we got this from, because we know that the binding energy, if we're talking about a hydrogen atom, what is the binding energy equal to?
And five weeks less one day later I decided you know what this might actually be for me and I switched from pass-fail to letter graded status at that point in time.
You know, my experience with this is, when you go from having a small number to a really large number of people, if you don't a process, it becomes real chaos.
Just want to let you know that there will be an information session this afternoon, from 3 to 4:30 in Harvard Hall, room 103.
Now this is when I want to stop for a second and I know that some of you, from past experience, are somewhat math phobic.
This is something I used to announce near the end, but then some people felt that it's not fair not to know this from the beginning.
I really didn't know and I needed to have an answer to this question. So I created Star Festival with this team from MIT in order to try to answer this question.
This grid of horizontal lines, and we will know that if we're going from here to here, it's got to be exactly this frequency, or at least this space.
Off he went to the northeast Peloponnesus to the site where he thought it might be, Mycenae, from Homer's account-- I wouldn't be telling you this story, and you know the outcome.
Of course--and you know this to be the case from like any literary critic who ever tried to write an analysis of anything, Chudleigh has no choice but to nudge the lines that she's quoting out of context.
So, they thought about this, and they said, you know, this cannot make sense from the standpoint of the plum pudding model.
For instance, you want to know how much energy you're going toget out from doing this expansion.
And incidentally, to know where he's coming from on this, he had a very dramatic and ambitious goal.
So you don't actually know this yet from this class, you'll know it by the end of the class that electrons can, in fact, have a wavelength.
One copy of the chromosome comes from the egg and one copy of each chromosome comes from the sperm, so this you know about.