I had these lecture notes; I had all of these listening exercises; I basically just put it in a textbook.
It was simply my lecture notes from this particular course that I've been teaching here for a long time.
- So that was Wednesday's class -- not at the end of Wednesday's class, but at the end of the lecture notes.
Aristotle's Poetics we know actually not to have been one of the texts written by Aristotle but rather to be a compendium of lecture notes put together by his students.
If it's lecture-based course it will include all the lecture notes.
we can run the engine backward and build a refrigerator, if you've got your lecture notes from last period your 8-9, well, they're labeled 8-9 lecture notes, I made an attempt to define something which was a little bit misguided.
It's just taken out of the reading of lecture notes.
Now, I've done my best to peg the readings to where I will be on that week's lecture, but I don't lecture with lecture notes, for the most part.
Now, again, we go through these faster then you can write, and as you all know, the lecture notes are posted on the website, so if you need to go back and refresh your memory on these things you can.
The syllabus you'll see notes the general topic of each lecture and the reading that I want you to have done for that day.
The teaching fellow for each lecture takes what we call scribe notes. These are posted within a few days online.
Those notes are going to make no sense, I'm guessing, outside of the lecture, all right?
If you're not taking notes in this lecture, you have to write down at least one sentence. You must write this down because this will be the most important thing I say all morning: Milton's Paradise Lost is the first narrative poem in English that didn't rhyme.
I was so proud of myself getting the lecture notes finished early and handing them in to CopyTech, and then I realized we didn't do electronegativity on Wednesday.
So, let's -- okay, so, why don't you all think about would happen -- we'll start with the thought exercise. You can switch back to my lecture notes then if this isn't going.
I'm just going to go over a few of the main points here So, the first is that what we're going over notes today and also on Monday, the exam material ends at the end lecture notes from lecture 9.
And first, on your lecture notes, I start with atomic radius.
So, if you can flip your lecture notes over and just write on the blank space, we're going to cover electronegativity first here, and specifically, you can go back and fill this in to your lecture 9 notes, if you want to stay organized, but I just suggest just writing it on lecture 10 notes now and going back.
If you have questions-- and this will be on our website, it was in the email you were sent, and then it'll be here too when I post the course lecture notes-- contact these particular teaching fellows if you have questions about these particular parts of the course.
And then finally, as you know, the first concept sheet is due next week, and any of those who were here for the first time can go to the lecture notes for last week and it gives a detailed description of how to do the first concept sheet.
So it's really neat to think that your counterparts 100 years ago right here at MIT could have been sitting in a class where they had Lewis as their lecturer, and he's putting forth these ideas -- these are actually his lecture notes, even though it wasn't even published yet, and giving this idea of Lewis structure, which is exactly what we keep using today in order to make a lot of these predictions.
These are archived lecture notes that were written by my predecessor, Professor Witt.