Let me talk about what Hobbes has to say for us today, we who have in many ways become Hobbes' children.
Some of you already know this, but let me talk about that and then give you my view on it.
That's shown schematically here, let me talk about the bottom diagram first, which shows the process of mitosis.
Let me talk about something that might sound oxymoronic.
Let me talk about the offensive aspect of it.
Let me talk about the U.S. First.
Okay, now let's paralleling what you've been reading let's look a little bit at the Dutch Republic at the Dutch Republic England and Britain all the time, because people talk about so let me talk about the Dutch Republic.
Now, let me take a sidebar for about five minutes to talk about course administration, the administrivia things that we're going to do in the course, just so you know what the rules are.
Let me just also say there are a thousand things to talk about in this novel, so I hope you'll get to some of them in section. And if you want to write about this, it's a very rich novel for writing your papers.
Let me talk a little bit about technology because that's also a big part of it.
Let me talk to you about temperature scales.
Let me just say it and talk about it.
Let me ask another question, if you give this-- and we'll talk about this in a later lecture, but if you give this diet to laboratory animal-- rats, mice, whatever-- it's very common for animals to gain a good bit of weight when given access to this diet.
Let me talk for a while about some of the formal features of Hobbes' sovereign power, of the Hobbesian state.
Let me talk a little bit about that context.
What kind of themes? Let me talk a little bit about some of them. Let me just talk about, oh, about three or four of them, just so you can see what hopefully you'll be getting yourself into.
Well, that's something I want you to think about and maybe I'm sure you'll want to talk about in your sections, but let me propose something like the following to answer or at least to respond to this paradox, this question.