"I celebrate Hanukkah.Well, you have to light candles every night.
VOA: special.2009.12.21
Well, suppose the red light appeared on or as the nose of a reindeer.
People think, " Well, if I move-- especially in the day-light-- if I move to California, I'll be happier, right?" Wrong.
It's like you're photographing the light as well as the Machu Picchu itself."
VOA: standard.2009.12.15
Well, we can continue. On a light-up valentine it means "don't stop, go."
Well, the ones in director light must not be so reflective but be kind of of dark surface.
And what de Broglie said is well, if it's true that light, which has a wavelength can have momentum, then it must also be true that matter, which has momentum, also has a wavelength.
And one thing that Einstein put forth is he figured if well, what we're saying is that light is, in fact, a stream of particles, each one of those particles or photons must, therefore, have a momentum.
Well, we can't guarantee with UV light we'll have enough energy to eject every single electron, so that's why when we use x-rays, they're higher energy, you can pretty much be guaranteed we're going to eject all of those electrons there.