For the carbon, we start with 4 valence electrons, we have 0 lone pair electrons minus 4, and we end up with a formal charge of 0.
Yeah, so also 4. We started with 10 valence electrons, we used up 6 of those as bonding electrons, so we have 4 left, which will be lone pair electrons.
And we give different names, depending on what kind of electrons we're dealing with, so, for example, with h c l here, we can talk about having bonded versus lone pair electrons.
So in oxygen we have a similar situation where, in fact, we are not going to promote any of the electrons because we have two lone pair electrons no matter what we do.
So in terms of nitrogen that starts off with a valence number of 5, again we have 2 lone pair electrons in the nitrogen, and again, we have 6 electrons that are shared.
Well, we're talking about a pretty high number here, so to make counting easier, we'll just say 10 lone pairs, because 20 lone pair electrons is the same thing as 10 lone pairs.
So we need to add those 2 valence electrons left as lone pair electrons in our structure.
For the sulfur, we start off with 6 valence electrons, minus 4 lone pair electrons, minus 2, taking in account our bonding electrons, so we end up with a formal charge of 0.
So, lone pair electrons, actually, not lone pairs themselves.
And if we talk about chlorine, and both of the chlorines are the same in this case, we start with a valence number of 7 for chlorine, and then we subtract 6, because it had 6 lone pair electrons around each of the chlorine atoms.
So, which atom is in need of those lone pair electrons?
So how many lone pair electrons do we have?
or 1 lone pair, 2 lone pair electrons.
If we go to the oxygen atom, now we're talking about starting with 6 in terms of valence electrons again, but instead of 2, you can see we have 6 lone pair electrons around the oxygen minus 1/2 of 2, so we have minus 1 is our formal charge.
If these bonds were all completely of equal distance apart, whether is was a lone pair or bonding electrons, 5° the angles would be 109 . 5 degrees.
So, if we want to figure out the formal charge on the carbon, we need to take the number of valence electrons, so that's 4. We need to subtract the lone pair, what number is that? It's 2.
So what we see is on ammonia here, 107 we know that it's less than a 109 . 5, it's actually 107, so it's less than a 109 . 5, because of that lone pair pushing down in the bonding electrons.