And in fact, if you look down- and I'm just going to highlight this portion, I'm not going to run it- but if you look down here, that's exactly what that does.
PROFESSOR: No. I'm entering -- well, let's look at the example right down here.
You're going to take this meta-level or higher level standpoint, look down at the pleasure and wonder, " "Is this all that there is to life?"
I would be careful and not have all your money invested in stocks. I would look at a lot of these distressed debt--some of the distressed debt that has gone down. I don't know if you understand that but some of the debt that--even bank debt, which is the highest level, I think, has become very cheap.
It is the thumos that is the cause of-- that should be the cause of your shame at slowing down to look.
But I imagine that after a period, there'd be this-- Well, humans have this ability to look down on their experiences, or step back from their experiences, and assess them.