• So, there's a kind of lost paradise of European culture which he can't get back, even with this spectacular effort in English.


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  • This is a little paradise, a paradise on the verge of being lost as the shades lose their leaves.


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  • Now you also may remember that we have already run into Spenser's Mammon before this point, before Paradise Lost.


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  • It's in relation to all of these forms of lateness that we can best understand the opening invocation of Paradise Lost.


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  • Harold Bloom has written, and I think he's absolutely right, that Milton begins Paradise Lost with a powerful defense against lateness.


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  • This is where Milton began to consider the problem of temptation that, of course, will become so important to Paradise Lost.


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  • It's too late for this to be a political poem, but Paradise Lost is late for all sorts of reasons.


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  • There seems to have been something of a kind of outcry about the style of Paradise Lost. Look at page 210 in the Hughes.


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  • You can actually see the mechanics of end-stopped verse quite clearly in the rhymed version of Paradise Lost that, admittedly, the great poet John Dryden wrote.


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  • You have an elegy here, a beautiful and plangent lament for something or someone lost. And we have to ask ourselves, "Could this be a paradise lost?"


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  • We will see Milton returning to all of these questions in Paradise Lost.


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  • There are some important signs, I think, especially in the first two books of Paradise Lost of what we can think of as Milton's - it's a literary fantasy, a literary fantasy of forgetfulness.


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  • This was important to Milton, - and one of the big set-piece speeches in Paradise Lost -- - and you may remember it if you've read that poem -- is the hymn that begins "Hail, wedded Love."


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  • This is what I'll be proposing over the course of this lecture: that memory is a problem that Paradise Lost is continually confronting.


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  • She's alluding here, I think, to one of the most famous passages in Paradise Lost in which Milton is asserting nothing other than his poetic power.


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  • And so, to use the words with which Milton would begin Paradise Lost, " a theodicy is an attempt "to justify the ways of God to men."


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  • It has been argued, and I think this is a brilliant point, that the most important word in Paradise Lost is or, the conjunction.


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  • You actually have the word "first" appearing six times in the first thirty-three lines of Paradise Lost.


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  • The great Milton, a grave author, brings in Adam thus speaking to Eve in Paradise Lost , "Oh, fairest of creation, last and best of all God's works."


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  • And it wouldn't be another twenty-two years after that until Milton actually published Paradise Lost.


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  • We can't know anything certain about the eternal and the immortal world of Paradise Lost except through these faculties we have and those are uncertain, imperfect, fallen human capacities of reading.


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  • They're invariably cited as among the most beautiful and exquisite lines in Paradise Lost but on some level they've proven the bane of scholars because they can't be squared with any of the poem's theological message.


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  • Now you'll remember from our discussion of the opening invocation to Paradise Lost, that insistent bid that Milton was making: the bid to be first.


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  • You have on the handout the other mentions in Paradise Lost of Galileo.


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  • God Himself in Paradise Lost is nothing but body.


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  • This is exactly, of course, what he will do in Paradise Lost.


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  • But by the time Milton begins writing his epic, he abandons his plan for a nationalistic poem, a nationalist poem, and decides instead to use the subject matter that he had been intending for that prospective tragedy, Paradise Lost.


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  • My guess is that our sense of Milton's power, however that power is imagined, is intimately related to the way in which Milton himself represents power in the characters of Satan and of God in Paradise Lost.


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  • I think that Milton intends for us to think of the verse in Paradise Lost as he wanted us to think of books in Areopagitica: the lines of Milton's poetry are not absolutely dead things, but they do contain within them a potency of life.


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