It's no kind of a way for a man to divorce his wife without her havin' any money.
VOA: special.2009.11.14
Now when asked by the hardest workers why "each of the laborers received every man a penny," the householder replies, "Take that which is thine own and go thy way.
That is the way in which de Man wants to think about the relationship precisely between literature and other forms of speech.
They saw a way to represent their party of bankers and businessmen as the party of the working man and the small farmer.
VOA: special.2009.01.22
So, the way Baron puts it, provocatively, is to be a man is to suffer from a very mild form of autism .
From the start,"Invisible Man" was a book that changed the way white Americans thought about black Americans.
VOA: special.2010.09.19
Instead,one of them gets kidnapped or has to go off to war or captured by pirates, and she's taken off by pirates and sold into slavery, and she goes all the way around the Mediterranean, and the young man follows her around the Mediterranean in chapter after chapter after chapter.
As they got close to the area, one man stood in the street blocking their way.
VOA: special.2009.12.14
He is not a kind of socio-biologist of politics, although he sometimes appears this way when he says that man is a political animal.
For a man,the best way is to rest and forget about daily problems.
VOA: special.2009.03.24
You must agree with me that perhaps he might have some bordello-oriented thoughts, there is no way in hell that this unspeakably self-controlled young man would actually find himself in a whorehouse.
And the man took it, and looked at it careful, and turned it round this way and that, and says,"H'm,so it is.Well, what is he good for?"
VOA: special.2009.08.29
If you ask him if it's our people're gonna go, man will lose heart because of the theme of The Magnificent Ambersons that take you leave the way.
The man was on his way to a camp near Henderson Creek.
VOA: special.2010.05.01
So, I think that became-- and whatever the reality was, that story was always being told, that's the way for a man to fight; anything other than that is open to suspicion.
Some years later, that nice young man from England was on his way hometo see his little boy and was signing some autographs.
VOA: standard.other
Maybe one could even say Machiavelli's prince is, in a way, the first truly self-made man.
Security. Yeah. Sir, you might want to senda maintenance man over to that officeacross the way.
VOA: standard.other
All right. Now in any case, while we're on the subject of deconstruction in general and before we get into de Man, let me just say that there is one other way, if I may, not to criticize deconstruction.
Lesley Prasad, a leading operating room officer, shows the picture a Haitian man sketched while being treated in the hospital as a way for him to say thank you.
VOA: standard.2010.03.26
One thinks, in a way, of Welles' line in The Third Man : when he looks down from above and says, "If I gave you 20,000 pounds for every dot that stopped moving, "? would you really tell me to keep my money?"
"Marriage by universal moral codes that have been held for thousands of year by virtually every culture reserves the sanctity of a sexual relationship as between a man and a woman and that's just the fact we are architecturally built that way we're biochemically built that way, we're designed that way for pocreation."
VOA: standard.2010.03.03