Again, they're serving as vehicles then for the manifestation of the will of God.
It would have been perfectly reasonable for them, his opponents, to assume that only one set of religious beliefs could actually represent the truth, that there was only one possible manifestation of divine truth.
The swan is really only a force, and Yeats's concern is rather with the human experience of that force, which is, again, another manifestation of "terrible beauty."
Nature also is not divine. It's demythologized, de-divinized, If that's a word; the created world is not divine, It is not the physical manifestation of various deities, an earth god, a water god and so on.
Let's look at a later manifestation of Mammon.
They're not actually present in the real world of Milton's hell, or if it's a pagan god who's mentioned, Milton will tell us that the pagan god was just an early manifestation of one of the fallen angels.