And so this is not like a math problem set or a physics problem set. Or, like a high school physics lab, where we all know what the answer should be, and you could fake your lab results anyway.
which is kind of problem solving using Math and Science.
You say, "Yeah, here's a math problem I haven't solved before, but so what? I've just done so much math, " it holds no appeal to me before."
So always amazing to us how we go into the problem, our eye or mind can see one class of solutions, but the math will tell you sometimes there are new solutions and you've got to respect it and understand and interpret the unwanted solutions, and this is a simple example where you can follow what the meaning of the second solution is.
The problem is that you get tired of doing math after a while, 100 years, 1,000 years, a million years, whatever it is.