So by parallel we mean - they're either both spin up remember that's our spin quantum number, that fourth quantum number.
Oh, at MIT, you mean? Yeah, well, so we number all our classes, too, or all our courses.
If the company increases the number of shares through a split that is not dilution because it doesn't really mean anything.
Well, let's do the smoke test number one: is the mean more or less what we expected?
It's just reminiscent of a previous program 9 9 9 or a previous function the number 9, 9, 9 so what does that really mean?
And, I mean literally, mass, not mole number.
Well, the figure I saw last was a number too small to be mentioned; I mean, to say you just can't really say how much it is, but all right, two percent.
Again, just to make this relevant to you, I mean this is very stylized of course, but a huge number of businesses out there are partnerships and do have this kind of profit sharing rule and do have synergies.
I mean, Avogadro -- I'm fond of his number, and he is, in fact, an interesting, if not frightening looking man this just didn't connect with me.
I mean, it was my... it was my number one choice,
But it's absolutely essential--so the shares only mean something as a relation to their total number of shares.
But, in between, if some other number, it'll be some blend of the--mean and variance of--the portfolio will be some blend of the mean and variance of the two assets.
If it moves a lot--either way from the mean-- then this number squared is a big number.
The genome starts piling on mutations that mean nothing; that's how they date the branches of the genome, by looking at the number of neutral mutations.