When you call a function, what actually happens is that function gets its own chunk of memory that's identical in size to the data type that it expects.
It turns out that slightly before the stack, slightly before this conceptual chunk of memory, there's other things called environment variables that we may see over time but elsewhere in memory are other things.
Well, again, just as I said verbally a moment ago, if you're going here, you're literally touching, trying to read or change memory that's beyond the boundaries of a chunk of memory that you're supposed to be touching based on its length.
And when we return the string to you we're essentially telling you where this chunk of memory is.
Well, if that function calls another function, you put another tray on, and so that new tray represents that function's chunk of memory.
So the heap is a chunk of memory in a computer's RAM that's conceptually allocated to what's called dynamic memory allocation.
Well, there's a chunk of memory called the heap that you can grab as much memory as you want so long as it exists for your program.
Well, this will, in fact, be declared, but, unfortunately, you're using a different chunk of memory.
Well, if you want to call a function, it's like putting another tray on that stack of trays and that tray represents a chunk of memory that, that function can use.
I can certainly try to write the number 13 there, but bam, my program very likely will crash if this chunk of memory was not given to me previously by the operating system and maybe it is owned by the operating system.
Yeah, a pointer to this chunk of memory.
You're incrementing this chunk of memory.
So A gets 1, B gets 2, now the swap function itself starts executing line by line; so I declare a chunk of memory called temp.
So that means if you-- whether you own a Mac, PC or whatever, you have a whole chunk of RAM memory which you can draw for instance as a rectangle, if you can't quite see.
So, now I have x pointing at a chunk of memory what's in this memory though?
I'm going to delete that arrow and actually draw s2 as pointing to this chunk of memory because whereas before this sequence of chars might have lived at address 71 or whatever, well, this one might live at 91.
It's reasonable because it's meant TMP for temporary purposes just to call it temp or T-M-P for short, X and I can define temp as -- why don't I set it as equal to X, initially, because now that I've stored X in a separate chunk of memory, I can now change its value and then I can say Y gets, not X, but temp, and so now I've actually swapped these values.