Drayna says therapies to replace enzymes that cause the diseases have been developed to treat half a dozen of these metabolic disorders.
VOA: standard.2010.02.11
This first slide shows a graph of the impact of having metabolic syndrome on heart disease and its consequences.
You'll see a graph with yellow lines, yellow bars that are people without the metabolic syndrome and red bars are people with.
Dr.Damiano says the system restores, as nearly as possible, the body's delicate metabolic balance.
VOA: standard.2010.04.15
Because of the lack of oxygen getting to the cells, the cells are no longer able to carry on their various metabolic processes.
These genes are involved in a number of inherited metabolic disorders, including Tay Sachs, a rare,incurable and usually fatal disease that causes the destruction of nerve cells in young children.
VOA: standard.2010.02.11
Different amount of metabolic activity because one has a greater volume of cytoplasm than the other, for example, so these are exactly the right kinds of ideas.
Certain parts of the population are more vulnerable to the health consequences given them-- having the metabolic syndrome.
Now these changes, these human evolutionary changes, have created some very interesting metabolic things inside our bodies.
There's one particular issue with overnutrition called the metabolic syndrome that I'd like to talk about and show you a little data on.
Here's another graph of data on the metabolic syndrome showing how it differs by race and ethnicity.
Suppose we put somebody in a state of suspended animation, cool their body down so that the various metabolic processes come to an end.
Plus, there are some natural metabolic variability and I'll describe that in a subsequent lecture.
A nutrient is considered a substance within the food, that's when it digests it, absorbs, promotes some bodily function, so that it has some metabolic health value when people consume it.
So if a food belongs to a class of foods that a class of items that contributes to that internal metabolic havoc, would that be reason to consider it a non-food?
When you look at the risk of consequences from metabolic syndrome in the population, you have to know a person's race to some extent to understand how high their risk really is.
The metabolic syndrome comes about from abdominal obesity.
So using stroke as the outcome here, what you see is that people with the metabolic syndrome, the red bar, compared to the people without it, the yellow bar, have about twice the amount of risk.
As we'll discuss in the class, and most of you probably know this, your body weight is a function of how many calories you take in and how many calories you burn off through metabolic processes but also physical activity.
Again, I'm not expecting you to remember all the details of this but I'm going to show you this-- when you put all these things together, it's called the metabolic syndrome, and I'll show you some data on its impact on health.
We sense food coming in, that sets into gear a series of metabolic and biological processes that are very interesting, and then of course once the food gets in the body it does lots of interesting things-- some good things and some bad things.
There are also interesting breakdowns by gender, and so if we look at the males and the females on the left here, you see that the females have a higher risk of consequences if they have metabolic syndrome then the males do.
In that process there is a metabolic engine at work, and some people have an efficient engine so that the calories in get banked in the fat, other people have an inefficient engine, that is the calories get wasted as body heat and things like that, and they tend not to gain weight.
It's because these are the women who have abdominal obesity, so women are less likely to have it in the first place, but many do, and of those who do and have that metabolic syndrome, then they're more susceptible to the heart disease outcomes than men are.
MI stands for heart attack, myocardial infarction, and in this case you see an even bigger differential of people with a metabolic syndrome having even more elevated risk then they did for stroke.