• They might ingest extracellular antigen, presented pieces of it on their cell surface in the context of MHC-2.


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  • It can separate between what's part of yourself and what's foreign, and it does that by presenting, by recognizing antigens that are presented in the context of the major histocompatibility complex, MHC.


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  • One of the functions of MHC is to indicate which cells belong inside your body, which cells don't.


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  • These cells can now kill cells that have the correct signature, and the signature is MHC-1 with this foreign antigen associated with it.


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  • Each one of our cells - one of the things that distinguishes them is the kind of MHC molecules that all of my cells make.


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  • Because it has MHC-1, your MHC-1 on it, this T-cell recognizes that it's one of your cells but it has a foreign antigen associated with it.


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  • I talked last time about MHC - on the last slide about MHC1.


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  • An antigen expressed in the context of MHC stimulates your immune system.


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  • MHC1 is a word, MHC stands for major histocompatibility complex and it's one of the things that distinguishes my cells from your cells, from your parents cells, from your roommates cells.


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  • We talked about host cells that are perhaps infected with a virus, displaying pieces of that virus, antigenic pieces of that virus in the context of a surface receptor called MHC-1, presenting that.


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  • Then those antigens get expressed with MHC just like they did in all the other cells inside the host, but particular cells of the innate immune system have a different kind of MHC called MHC2.


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  • If you take an organ from one person and put it in another, if their MHC molecules don't match then the immune system recognizes the immune system of the host recognizes 'this is not the right MHC for me' and the immune tries to destroy those cells.


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  • One of the other things that MHC1 does, in addition to marking yourselves as your own, is that it's capable of making combinations with all the different molecules that are present inside the cell and expressing them on the surface, and sort of showing them to the outside world.

    HC1的另一项功能,除了给你标记一个独一无二的标签以外,MHC可以和细胞内所有不同的,分子结合 使其能够呈现在细胞表面,使其暴露于外界

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