• And the technique is called, watch because this is a six-letter initialization, linear combination of atomic orbitals LCAO-MO into molecular orbital, LCAO-MO.


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  • So we can go ahead and name our molecular orbital, just like we know how to name our atomic orbitals.


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  • And I am going to superscript it molecular orbital, and this upper one, to indicate that it's antibonding, has the asterisk.


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  • So any time in a molecular orbital diagram you draw in orbitals, you need to draw the corresponding molecular orbitals.


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  • And so this lower level is called a bonding orbital, and it is a bonding molecular orbital.


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  • Right, we had one from each atom, so that means we need a total of two in our molecular orbital.


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  • So, in this case, we're just drawing the molecular orbital diagram for the valence electrons, so we have three for each.


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  • So, I think we have these molecular orbital energies down, so let's move on to talking about more complex molecules.


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  • Whereas in molecular orbital theory, what I'm telling you is instead we understand that the electrons are spread all over the molecule, they're not just associated with a single atom or a single bond.


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  • All right, so we can now see a little bit of what the power of molecular orbital theory is in predicting what kind of bonds we're going to see in molecules, or whether or not we'll see this bonding occur at all.


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  • So if we name this orbital, this is an anti-bonding molecular orbital So we had bonding and now we're talking about anti-bonding.


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  • So if we have constructive interference between the two, what we're going to see is our molecular orbital looks something like this.


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  • So it's going to be favorable for the electrons instead to go to that lower energy state and be within the molecular orbital.


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  • And this one here, because it is at a higher energy is called antibonding molecular orbital.


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  • If we overlay what the actual molecular orbital is on top of it, what you see is that in the center you end up cancelling out the wave function entirely.


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  • You might have thought before we started talking about molecular orbital theory that non-bonding was the opposite of bonding, it's not, anti-bonding is the opposite of bonding, and anti-bonding is not non-bonding.


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  • OK PROFESSOR: Valence electrons. OK, sometimes you're going to be asked to draw a molecular orbital diagram where you're asked to include all electrons, and sometimes it will specifically say only include valence electrons.


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  • So, let's draw in our electrons there, so we have our two electrons now in the molecular orbital.


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  • So, if we have two atomic orbitals coming together from two different atoms and they combine, what we end up forming is a molecular orbital.


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  • So, if we look at the molecular orbital, that's actually going to be lower in energy than either of the two atomic orbitals.


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  • It might not have any electrons in it, but it still exists, so you need to draw these into your molecular orbital diagram.


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  • Molecular orbital theory, even at this very basic level, allowed us to predict that no, we're not going to see a true bond here, a strong bond.


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  • So we're going to limit in our discussion in 511-1 for molecular orbital theory to diatomic molecules.


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  • I am going to sum up the atomic orbitals that go into the molecular orbital, and they are going to have some coefficients.


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  • All right. So, today we're going to be talking about molecular orbital theory, but first I wanted to just mention, in case some of you didn't hear what the Nobel Prize was this morning, and this was in chemistry, it went to three different chemists.


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  • So any time that you're drawing these molecular orbital diagrams you want to keep in mind that the number of electrons that you have in atomic orbitals, you need to add those together and put that many electrons into your molecule.


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  • And again, I want to point out that a molecular orbital, we can also call that a wave function, they're the same thing.


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  • So in molecular orbital theory, what we did was we named orbitals based on their symmetry.


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  • Pi orbitals are a molecular orbital that have a nodal plane through the bond axis.


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  • It's the same thing with molecules a molecular wave function just means a molecular orbital.


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