In other words, you have a degree of monarchical power control of true, monarchical power, of a wealthy monarchical power.
As we shall see that word in later times means some powerful individual, but it doesn't mean what it means here, the boss, the single monarchical controller of everything.
Although Hobbes is widely taken to be a defender of monarchical absolutism, you will note, in your readings, that he displays a kind of studied neutrality over actually what form the sovereign should take.
One that seems to be in fashion these days, although you never know how long the fashion lasts, is: internal uprisings that somehow these monarchical areas, when life got tough, the people must have risen up against them.
So, what you see in this very brief and inadequate account that I've given you is that we really, in spite of the fact that we have basileis, and even in this case an anax, we really don't have a proper monarchical tradition.