And I want to show you a little bit more detail of that, so let's create a simple little list here.
And you need to explain something in a little more detail.
If animals get a similar disease then you can learn about that disease progression in much more detail in the animal.
I'll talk today about protein and then next week, or next class, we'll talk in more detail about carbohydrate and fat.
And when we talk about the emotions later on in the course we'll talk about this in more detail.
And we'll talk in more detail about the ways in which it doesn't have value in a minute.
So, there's more detail on your syllabus -- a detail of what we'll cover every day, but these are the kind of basic things that were covering, and you don't need to write this down, you'll become familiar with it as the semester goes on.
I've hinted at this already and we'll look at it in a bit more detail now.
This is a game in which there are two firms who are competing in the same market, and we'll give a bit more detail in a second.
So we'd love to see any of those of you who are interested to stop by and talk with us and we'll be able to talking more detail about more specific questions you might have at that point.
Scratch And after just a few words on Scratch which we'll look at in more detail on Friday will you actually feel that you know what, this is actually very intuitive.
Now because it is so important to understand how the neurons present the information, ? let me go into a bit more detail. Ok?
Let's look at some patterns that will explain in more detail how we can use the "I can't" pattern.
下面让我们来看一些句型,它们会更具体地解释我们应如何使用“I can't”句型。
It is true though that his course is more tuned into theoretical detail than mine.
In classical music there's much more attention to detail.
We're not going to talk about this in any detail, there's a little bit more detail described in your book.
I think I'll--I want to begin next class by wrapping up and explaining the Harlow studies in more detail and what they tell us.
If I drew this altogether and this is one particular nucleic acid, now shown in more detail, all of the carbons of the pentose are shown here, the phosphate is shown, and a base is shown.
I said that a bit quickly, but we'll come back and look at that idea in more detail later on in the class.
You do that by expressing the genes in the mice in the way that I described on the last slide and it's shown in a little bit more detail on this slide.
It's a more powerful method than something called a cross-sectional study, and I'll come back in a later lecture and talk about these in more detail, but a cross-sectional study means you're taking a snapshot of a population of people at one time.
Do we offer what we dub packer editions of problem sets which extensively cover the same material but with a more technical sophistication, with more detail, and these are simply options that students in this course can elect as per the syllabus.
What we're going to talk about next time, and I encourage to read ahead because you'll see that there's a lot more detail in Chapter 6 than what we're talking about here, I've emphasized the main points, the ones that I think are important, that are clearly important for your understanding.
There's one on DNA fingerprinting, for example, that gives you a little bit more detail about that specific technique; another one on production of therapeutic proteins.
Here's another picture of it here, showing it in a little bit more detail, that you have lots of DNA in each of the cells in your body but you're not using all that DNA at any one time.
There's a whole bunch of blocks that we'll look at in more fun detail on Friday but I'm going to pick the easiest one here and I'm going to type Hello CS50 in this string, "Hello CS50", zooming in say how nice the puzzle pieces are nicely interlocked?
Now the bases, and you don't need to memorize the structures of these I'm going - I'm describing the whole molecule to you in its molecular detail and then we're going to simplify it down to a version that we can talk about more easily.
You can actually declare in C synonyms using special syntax that says, you know what, even though yes at the end of the day I'm implementing false as a 0 and true as a 1, I can abstract away from that detail and use words that are more intuitive to me like true and false.
Now the book talks in more detail about this and you can read about it.
Before discussing that example in a little bit more detail, any questions?