It's much more interesting if you can actually build things that are interactive, that are animated, that play music and so forth and not just produce things on day 1 that outputs zeroes and ones like this.
So, so for me, it's much more interesting to kind of take a business student,
And so with these basic building blocks, can you build up much more interesting things and they don't have to be static animations like this.
There it meant something much more interesting, mainly anti-particles accompanying particles.
This is Vaux-le-Vicomte, which is much more interesting.
So it's becoming much more sophisticated, much more interesting and the interesting thing about it is that it verifies a lot of the research that has been done to date with far less sophisticated means, such as self-rapport.
it will be much more fun and interesting.
For those perhaps familiar with some of the jargon do we introduce what we call link lists and hash tables and tries, increasingly sophisticated data structures, that allow us to solve problems that are much bigger and much more interesting than the very familiar one that we started with here.