It is joules per atom. Or, if you multiply by Avogadro's number then you will get joules per mole.
475 Multiply by 1.7475 787kJ/mol and you end up with minus 787 kilojoules per mole.
How do we do that correction? When I first tried this, I thought, fine I'll multiply by 365/60, but I forgot this is a leap year.
And in the even case, I'd square, divide by half, call this again: in the odd case, I go b minus 1 and then multiply by a.
But remember that we need to multiply it by the volume here, the volume of some sphere we've defined.
You've got to juggle the two equations, multiply that by 4, multiply that by 3, add and subtract and so on.
Well, Fahrenheit came along and thought, well, you know, 7-1/2, that's kind of silly; 22-1/2 that's, kind of silly So let's multiply everything by four.
Can I multiply the ? by the 4 just to save myself some time?
Take your own weight in your mind and multiply it by three.
That's true, but especially because of my parenthesization 32 over here, because I'm saying, "Do f minus 32, but then multiply it by the division on the left."
What I am going to do now is I am going to multiply by N Avogadro and then add Born repulsion.
So, once we figure out what our probability of backscattering is, we'll just raise that to the 1/2, and we'll multiply that by 12 . 20 centimeters.
But I know when I multiply a vector by a number, I get a vector in the same direction.
So if we want to talk about the volume of that, we just talk about the surface area, which is 4 pi r squared, and we multiply that by the thickness d r.
You see the difference in electronegativity, square it, multiply it by one-quarter and raise that to the power e.
I am only counting in one direction, 2 so I have to multiply this whole thing by two because I have to count both directions.
Multiply a by a to the b minus 1.
Subtract that from one, 100 multiply it by 100 and you have something between zero and 100.
And what I am going to do is say start with this ion, add up the energy associated with the interactions between that ion and everybody else in the row and then multiply it by Avogadro's number, because that is the number of atoms there are in a row.
Once you've got that, you can do minus 7 times a vector Just take the vector, multiply it by Pi and flip it over.
明白这点之后,你就可以计算-7乘以矢量,只需用 π 去乘以那个矢量,然后将其方向调转
And then for some reason, that nobody understands, 16/15 he decided to multiply again by 16/15, and that's how we get 32 for freezing of water and 96 in his words for the temperature in the mouth or underneath armpit of a living man in good health.
So if we take this term, which is a volume term, and multiply it by probability over volume, what we're going to end up with is an actual probability of finding our electron at that distance, r, from the nucleus.
What Einstein then clarified for us was that we could also be talking about energies, and he described the relationship between frequency and energy that they're proportional, if you want to know the energy, you just multiply the frequency by Planck's constant.
Instead of summing them and dividing by M, I multiply them all together and take the nth root of them.
So if we actually go ahead and multiply it by the volume of our shell, then we end up just with probability, which is kind of a nicer term to be thinking about here.
Then it's very clear the way you patch it up is you multiply it by this constant and now we're all set.
The beauty of that is now we have discovered a notion of what it means to multiply a vector by a number.
You can take this vector, multiply it by one number, take that vector, multiply it by another number, add the two of them.
If you multiply it by 2, you get a vector two times as long.
So, what we can do to actually get a probability instead of a probability density that we're talking about is to take the wave function squared, which we know is probability density, and multiply it by the volume of that very, very thin spherical shell that we're talking about at distance r.