And then the potential energy, the energy is stored here due to the coulombic force of attraction between the electron and the nucleus.
So, what we're looking at here is the force when we have two charged particles, one positive one negative -- here, the nucleus and an electron.
The 312 particles are held together in a nucleus by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called memo-ons.
I said what hold the bonds together, what holds two atoms together is the attractive force we have between each electron and the other nucleus.
So, remember when we talk about Coulomb force, what's holding the nucleus and the electron together, there's 2 things we need to think about.
So because we're feeling a stronger attractive force from the nucleus, we're actually pulling that electron in closer, which means that the probability squared of where the electron is going to be is actually a smaller radius.
So, shielding happens when you have more than one electron in an atom, and the reason that it's happening is because you're actually canceling out some of that positive charge from the nucleus or that attractive force with a repulsive force between two electrons.
So, let's think qualitatively for a second about what that means or what the real meaning of that is. What that is telling us is that according to Newtonian mechanics and Coulomb's force law, is that the electron should actually plummet into the nucleus in 0.1 nanoseconds.
I am going to say if that electron is to stay in its orbit, that is to say it doesn't flee the atom, it doesn't collapse under the nucleus then the sum of the forces on the electron must be zero No net force. And so that will be the sum of a dynamic force plus an electrostatic.