The very top of the wire drawing represents the only part of the ocean landscape that can be seen on the surface of the water: It is Bouvet Island, one of the most isolated islands in the world.
VOA: special.2009.05.06
They might ingest extracellular antigen, presented pieces of it on their cell surface in the context of MHC-2.
So, it doesn't need to bind to a receptor on the surface of the cell in order to work because the molecule can actually enter the cell directly.
The land surface pokes just a couple of meters on average above sea level, making it the lowest-lying nation in the world.
VOA: standard.2009.10.17
That was the eventual message that I got, but it was sort of, it was not on the surface, it was not obvious, because the story, the two movies were sort of sad... ? Anybody want to say something about it?
It turns out the electrical potential or electricity that you can measure on the surface of the body reflects things that are happening deeper inside like the beating of your heart.
That infection occurs because of a ligand receptor interaction on the cell surface where the virus itself is the ligand and it takes advantage of a receptor that's expressed on the cell surface.
They also allow their populations of proteins on the surface of each cell that allow it to interact with its environment, they're receptors and cell adhesion receptors like I talked about last time.
Well, the way that your immune system recognizes it is that all the cells of our body express a molecule on their surface, a membrane protein called the MHC1 complex.