Paying out lots of cash, unless you really have to, is not in the interest of the firm and is not in the interest of the public."
VOA: standard.2010.07.23
Unfortunately, I've never taken a course in it, but I've started reading it lately out of just my broad intellectual interest.
Why don't I lend some of it out and I can earn interest on the loan and make money.
It may be obvious to you, the developer or the computer scientist or the engineer, well, obviously, I just click, here, here, here, here, here, here and voila, out comes my ticket, but most people don't have an interest in that process and a lot of people, this person in particular, just don't necessarily understand that process.
He was a very prominent exponent of the idea that people should go out for their own interest.
You've got this policy tool of interest rates but once it hits zero you're out of business.
Forward rates I wrote a survey article years ago about the term structure of interest rates and I wanted to find out who was the originator of the term "forward rate."
All the groups that stand to win or lose from it are all figuring out what it does to them and they're taking the positions out of self-interest So, I wanted to write something that was more perspicacious if I could manage that.