Pluripotent stem cells that are capable of self-renewal to generate themselves and are capable of dividing into both bioloid and lymphoid progenitor cells.
Further down the line here, if we looked in the adult brain or spinal cord and other regions we'd find committed progenitor cells.
The other property is that these committed progenitor cells that are formed can turn into something, can turn into more mature cell types.
I digressed a little from this diagram but I think you've gotten the picture that as I move to more adult organisms, as I move to more specific regions of the brain, for example, I can still find progenitor cells that have some potential.
In terms of function they're very important because this stem cell which is produced goes back into the population of stem cells and is able to repeat this process to form new committed progenitor cells and to form new stem cells.
That difference has functional consequences for the daughter cells in that one of the daughter cells becomes what's called here a committed progenitor cell.
A progenitor cell, the definition, it just means it can generate the cells that are typical of that tissue or that organ, so it's capable of becoming these mature classes of cells.