That's the average of all of your weekly quizzes in the recitation. Each of those three monthly tests gives also a sixth.
To attend these lectures in sections-- more on that in a moment; to submit 9 problem sets, take two quizzes and ultimately design a final project.
And again, very much in the same style of the quizzes All right, let's look at this.
There are also related reading materials quizzes exams problem sites, solution sites and so on.
And, one thing I'd like to add to it, and that is, and I told this to my recitation sections that when you do these quizzes, in spite of the fact that it might be trivial in some cases, make sure you carry the units through.
I'm going to do a few little quizzes today where we're just going to do a show of hands, but beyond that, the clicker will be helpful.
For instance in the past, we had that silly little program for computing the average of some quizzes and it was actually a pretty bad implementation because I had essentially hard coded in the number of quizzes.
You're responsible for the homework, the quizzes, the tests, the final exam.
Final will be open book, open notes, just like the quizzes.
And I should've said there's two quizzes and a final exam.
The grades for the course will be assigned roughly, and I use the word roughly because we reserve the right to move these numbers around a little bit, but basically in the following percentages: 55% of your grade comes from the problem sets, the other 45% come from the quizzes.
So it won't be hugely longer than the quizzes.
We introduced a feature of C called a constant, but how many quizzes did I assume every student has?
OK, the quizzes are open book.
OK. Two quizzes.
Second thing is, if you have an MIT documented special need for taking quizzes, please see John or I well in advance.