So, let's go ahead and think about drawing what that would look like in terms of the radial probability distribution.
This is the radial probability distribution formula for an s orbital, which is, of course, dealing with something that's spherically symmetrical.
We will always have r equals zero in these radial probability distribution graphs, and we can think about why that is.
We can talk about the wave function squared, the probability density, or we can talk about the radial probability distribution.
But still, when we're talking about the radial probability distribution, what we actually want to think about is what's the probability of finding the electron in that shell?
It's somewhat different when we're talking about the p or the d orbitals, and we won't go into the equation there, but this will give you an idea of what we're really talking about with this radial probability distribution.
So if we superimpose our radial probability distribution onto the Bohr radius, we see it's much more complicated than just having a discreet radius.
Or we could just look at the radial probability distribution itself and see how many nodes there are.
So, let's actually compare the radial probability distribution of p orbitals to what we've already looked at, which are s orbitals, and we'll find that we can get some information out of comparing these graphs.
And in doing that, we'll also talk about the shapes of h atom wave functions, specifically the shapes of orbitals, and then radial probability distribution, which will make sense when we get to it.
So here, what I'd like you to do is identify the correct radial probability distribution plot for a 5 s orbital, and also make sure that it matches up with the right number of radial nodes that you would expect.
So, basically what we're saying is if we take any shell that's at some distance away from the nucleus, we can think about what the probability is of finding an electron at that radius, and that's the definition we gave to the radial probability distribution.
But there's also a way to get rid of the volume part and actually talk about the probability of finding an electron at some certain area within the atom, and this is what we do using radial probability distribution graphs.
so when we think about what it is that this radial probability distribution is telling us, it's telling us that it is most likely that an electron in a 2 s orbital of hydrogen is six times further away from the nucleus than it is in a 1 s orbital.
So, there are 2 different things that we can compare when we're comparing graphs of radial probability distribution, and the first thing we can do is think about well, how does the radius change, or the most probable radius change when we're increasing n, when we're increasing the principle quantum number here?