The invasion is generally regarded as the beginning of World War II, which eventually involved almost all nations and killed tens of millions of people.
VOA: standard.2009.09.01
Each of these waves is regarded as in some way necessary for the proper construction of a just city.
Discord within the city, just as discord within the soul, is regarded as the greatest evil.
The Laureus awards are widely regarded as the premier honors on the international sporting calendar and nominees are selected by leading sports journalists in over 100 countries.
VOA: standard.2010.02.11
A notion that the Greeks would have regarded as dangerously arrogant and certain to produce disaster.
One said the Jackson family was regarded as royalty when she was growing up, but the singer's many plastic surgeries made some believe he hoped to obscure his black identity.
VOA: standard.2009.06.28
So already by the time 2 Peter was written, which was much later than the letters of Paul, Paul's letters have come to be regarded by at least some early Christians as scripture themselves.
and went on to sell more than 100,000 copies of the song at a time when there were only about That song is regarded as the first-ever country music hit, and Loudon Wainwright performs it under the title "The Deal" on his Grammy-nominated CD.
VOA: standard.2010.01.24
People regarded the various natural forces as imbued with divine power, as in some sense divinities themselves.
And by nihilism, I mean the view that every preference, however squalid, base or sordid, must be regarded as the legitimate equal of every other.
The political partnership he says must therefore be regarded as being for the sake of noble actions and not just for the sake of living together.
Hobbes regarded these passions in many ways as barbaric, as uncivilized and warlike and to some degree he was right.
These values are regarded by them as purely subjective again their own value judgment so to speak and not strictly speaking a part of the science of politics.
It's regarded perhaps by today's political science as too value laden too subjective to speak of statesmanship or statecraft. This too again is a word that carries distinctive and strong ? connotations. Who is a statesman?