But he remains--he is a true believer, but he is bringing into Russian religious culture changes that were deeply resented.
He's actually enacting, and he's enacting it rhetorically, the fragmentation of religious culture in seventeenth-century England.
They participated at the very earliest stages in the wider religious and cultic culture of the Ancient Near East.
The religious leaders did not like Peter, because Peter is bringing in to Russian culture foreign elements.
I want to suggest to you that the fact that it's the religious book for him, for his culture, for his family, is not of course incidental to the fact that it's what reminds him of home.
And I, as president of ACLS, was one of the spokespersons for people who believed in the integrity of culture and who were accused of undermining cultural values, religious values, political values.
It's in response to what was deemed to be the chaotic condition of English religious culture that the Presbyterian-led Parliament issued in 1643 the Licensing Act.
Russian culture was entirely religious.