So in a sense, it's all the same to me as a shareholder whether they pay dividends or they repurchase shares.
Let's say this is a repurchase of some of your shares at market price, sending the same check, so what's the difference?
So, that's the basic insight in Modigliani and Miller, that share repurchase and dividend are really interchangeable; it's just all a conceptual difference.
With share repurchase, the number of shares goes down, and if they don't do share repurchase the number of shares doesn't go down.
In a stock repurchase, if they repurchase everybody's shares-- the same proportion--it doesn't affect that ratio.
So, you don't care what the letter says-- whether it says dividend or stock repurchase.
So, you would avoid paying dividends and, therefore, switch to share repurchase as your method.
Well, the company is still paying out money in the same amount total, but it's coming out in a different form; it's coming as a share repurchase.
Now the other thing is, there are other ways to get money out of a company without paying a dividend and one of them is stock repurchase.
You see, you can keep the operations the same whether or not you pay a dividend, if choosing not to pay a dividend means substituting stock repurchase for dividend.
The other thing that a company can do to get money out is share repurchase-- stock repurchase or share repurchase It's perfectly--this sometimes surprises people when they first think about it.
He said all this--this thing that I have up here-- well the previous slide, showing the dividend earnings ratio--it's just cultural; it means nothing because, to some extent, what's not shown in that diagram was the stock repurchase.
That is, share repurchase can change the units of measurement in a security and companies have to decide how leveraged the stock will be, which changes the stock price--leverage, meaning how much debt the company takes on.
即 股票的购回会改变,已发行股票的单位数量,公司需要决定,股票的杠杆效用是多少,杠杆会改变股价,杠杆指的是公司举债的多少
As you can see, part of the reason why the dividend-earnings ratio-- especially in more recent years, since 1990-- has been declining is that corporations were trying to somewhat ease the tax burden on their shareholders by doing repurchase instead of dividend.