Find the best response function by differentiating this and maximizing the function for every q2, so we could just... Good, so what we're going to do is, all right good, we're going to... We're trying to maximize.
So I want to figure out the best response of Firm 1 as a function of the price chosen by Firm 2.
What is Firm 2's best response as a function of q1?
What will Player II's best response look like as a function of Player I's choice in the same picture?
Now conversely, how do we find Firm 2's best response as a function of q1?
So at this point I've found player 1's best response as a function of q2.
Okay, so this is Firm 1's best response as a function of q2.
I've found Player 2's best response as a function of q1, and the way I did it, just remember, the way I did was I applied a little bit of 112 and high school calculus, so that's your single variable calculus.
So the expression I wanna draw first of all is the best response of Player I as a function of S2 and we agreed that that was given by 1 plus 1/4 now, 1 plus 1/4 S2.
So the best response for Player 1, as a function of what Player 2 chooses, q2, is just equal to the q1 hat in this expression and if I solve that out carefully, I will no doubt make a mistake, but let's try it.