Cutting involves enzymes called restriction endonucleases or restriction enzymes, which I've already mentioned and they have names.
That's an example of symmetric sequence and it happens that most restriction enzymes also recognize those spaces.
They do that in a very special way in that they - restriction enzymes are able to identify a particular sequence of bases in a gene.
There are whole catalogs that you go to and buy restriction enzymes.
This takes advantage of the very specific properties of restriction enzymes.
That cutting is done by special proteins called restriction enzymes.
What are the properties of this restriction enzymes?
There's whole families of restriction enzymes.
It takes advantage of the specificity of the restriction enzymes, the fact that we know what the gene sequence that we're looking for, and using this technological process of electrophoresis to identify changes that we predict.
When it cuts it leaves sticky ends or un-base paired single stranded regions on each end of the part its cut and that's just a property of many restriction enzymes; not all, some cut blunt,just right down the middle.
Restriction enzymes have names, The names all look - they're all italicized and they're capital letters and small letters so that they won't be easy for you to understand, but they are - if you know the nomenclature, easy to understand.
If you have DNA fragments, so this is DNA that you've cut up into fragments using restriction enzymes for example.
Now another property of restriction enzymes is that they always cut the DNA in the same way.
Restriction enzymes are just a kind of enzyme, enzymes are protein molecules that make a chemical reaction go faster, and the chemical reaction that restriction enzymes do is cutting DNA.
This gives you a biological mechanism for cutting, using restriction enzymes, and then you denature so that it falls apart, and then you renature so that it comes back together.