On the rickety bridge you're swaying in the breeze hundreds of feet above the water, the bridge seems unstable.
Well, the men, male students, who cross the rickety bridge, they wrote these sexy stories with interesting content, with kind of little bit ribald themes.
And there is a bridge at the University of British Columbia that crosses a river that runs through campus and the rickety-- There's actually two bridges.
Student: People who take the rickety bridge might be the kind of people who are more looking for adventure than the people who take the solid bridge.
The people who crossed the rickety bridge were more likely to call her up later and say, "Yeah. I'd like to talk about that experiment I was in.
The rickety bridge is one that's kind of a rope bridge.
We call this the "Rickety Bridge" experiment.
And she would intercept them as they came across the rickety bridge, or the low bridge, and she would ask them a few questions and ?" conclude with, "Can you write me a story? " You would help me out with my experiment if you'd just write a little story right now."