When you look at Moscow you see these old traditional, the skyline is dominated by churches, the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church.
This permeated not only the Russian Orthodox Church, but it permeates the Catholic Church as well.
He had many religious books, the kind of standard liturgical texts that were the stuff of religious enthusiasm, and more modern theological works in the Russian Orthodox tradition.
他有许多宗教书籍 大多是关于标准的礼拜仪式的,也就是一些宗教狂热的东西,还有一些俄国东正教传统中更现代的神学作品
He was not against the church, but he thought that people were wasting time being monks, and other people were all over the place in their Russian Orthodox equivalent.
He loved the choir music of Russian Orthodox services.
After all, the Russian Orthodox churchmen had not been interested in the Renaissance at all, not interested in the scientific revolution at all; and, by 1710, Russian students are being sent abroad to foreign universities, particularly in Italy, but also in France and in England.