So for those of you who are nerdy enough to understand the next sentence let me just say it.
It was really easy for me to just say "Yes, definitely".
I didn't get it. Somebody else will say, can you do number three on the homework for me?
We might say, well, it's not true now Death isn't bad for me now I'm not dead now ? Maybe death is bad for me when I'm dead?
That's right. I feel like, correct me if I'm wrong here, it seems to me there is a particular opportunity for Muslims in America in a sense of, unlike say France, where there is a real like no head scarves in the school.
At some point, when your dollars were turning into dimes, you'd say, forget this, this is ridiculous, it doesn't make any sense for me to own these risky small-cap stocks.
That is to say,what is it for somebody to be me.
What you could do hundreds of years ago-- and can still do it today-- was go to a bank and present this bond or IOU and say, "What will you give me for it?"
So it's not, as I say altogether straightforward to see how the answer " "Death is bad for me, because when I'm dead I don't exist" how that answers the problem as opposed to simply focusing our attention on the problem ? How can nonexistence be bad for me?
Because,indeed,they don't exist They're merely possible And we might say,you've got to exist in order for something to be bad for you But once we say that it seems we're running towards the position that in that case,death can't be bad for me because of course,when I'm dead,I don't exist ? So how can anything be bad for me?
Now,if you're like Parfit,and for that matter like me then you're going to say,of course I care I want it to be the case that I'm one of the people who's already had the operation I don't want to be one of the people who hasn't yet had the operation ? You might say,how can that make any sense?