"I remember when my daddy first gave me that gun, he told me that I should never point at anything in the house, and that I could shoot all the blue jays I wanted, if I could hit them.
VOA: special.2010.07.08
It's a hint at the malevolent agency of these priests, and it should point us to the true outrageousness of this speech, maybe its irrationality.
and they should be more honest into the point
"It'll be a critical summit, from the point of keeping the EU together,keeping consensus that the EU should maintain leadership on this issue,"
VOA: standard.2009.10.29
That was, I should point out, maybe about ten miles from the sea.
"So I should say six point five per cent growth projection would be a very comfortable sort of target that the government can have."
VOA: standard.2009.10.16
But, and this will be the crucial point, notice Socrates should have continued the soul is invisible in that sense.
And at that point,we believe there should be consequences for a failure to respond."
VOA: standard.2010.05.14
It just throws the decimal point away and that's because, again, these are ints and the answer intuitively should be a floating point value, but I need to be more specific.
"Anybody who talks repeal of the health care reform at this point is asking to stop a lot of progress that should be done and is already in place."
VOA: standard.2010.03.25
And I just want to point out here in terms of things that you're responsible for, you should know that the most probable radius for a 1 s hydrogen atom is equal a nought.
A major point of difference between the two main parties is whether the government should offer a health insurance program to compete with private insurance companies in an effort to drive down health care costs.
VOA: standard.2009.09.04
I'll point out that in-house language throughout the semester, and we'll talk about how it should be interpreted.
I think we just should keep right on going just to get the point across.
You should not, at this point be worrying about those things.
The sum of path number 2 and path number 3 get me to the same place, so the energy change by going through this time path, this intermediate point here back all the way to final state should be the same the red path.
And that's a serious concern but the fact that the government itself took the lead in bringing that point to public attention suggests in part government's electorate interest So one should not take this all in their mighty actions.
Should it trump all other goods or does toleration reach a point when it ceases to be toleration and becomes in fact a kind of soft nihilism that can extend liberty to everything precisely because it takes nothing very seriously.
I should mention to the viewers that We were both residents at one point of Madison Wisconsin.
I do, I have a...a way to think about this... ... some people call it the... The Taylor rule -...Taylor Rule, yeah And it says the rate shouldn't have come down all the way to 3 at this point, maybe, maybe 3.5 or so And that rule basically says that interest rates should adjust according to what's happened to the economy.
I should actually ask, any questions about anything that I've asked or said so far, up to this point?
And because there's nothing else in the code at that point, the program should just quit naturally in a good way. Yeah?
That's odd in itself,from our point of view; or it should look odd to us.
But I should say that the crucial point isn't for you to agree with me.
So perhaps we should put the point in the form of a dilemma.
And when somebody else then attacks them, say, "Look, I think that what John was saying was a good point and here's how I think he should have defended his position," or what have you.
They may seem, and probably might even be said to be, different and antagonistic at some point, and when they are what should you do?
So I wanted to take a few excerpts from the course's syllabus since it's not an interesting document to walk through line by line, but something you should read at some point very is not so much where you end up relative to your classmates 2 but where you end up in week 12 relative to yourself in week 0.