• Allen Sinai,Chief Global Economist at Boston-based Decision Economics,Inc., says the number of jobs created by the stimulus plan might be "a bit disappointing."

    VOA: standard.2009.03.10

  • They stay at Sinai for a year, I believe, in the text, before they begin their movement, and Numbers contains some law, and much narrative material.


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  • Chapters 19 to 24 are very, very important chapters that contain the theophany, the self-revelation of God to the Israelites, and the covenant that's concluded at Sinai.


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  • Sinai said he doesn't necessarily think another stimulus will be necessary, adding that the economy is in the process of healing itself and could improve significantly in 6 to 12 months.

    VOA: standard.2009.03.10

  • Orthodoxy maintains the traditions that we believe came from Mount Sinai, that God gives to Moses or people observing Jews, Traditional Jews, Orthodox Jews We keep laws, Oral Torah and within the old tradition.


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  • Now this is interesting because remember the generation has died off, that saw the Exodus and Sinai, right? So these are the children now and they're saying, it was us, every one of us who is here today.


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  • So you will sometimes see as you are reading the text, they will sometimes refer to Horeb instead of Mount Sinai, or you'll see the two names used interchangeably. And it's been the theory of scholars that that's because it comes from a different source.


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  • We have about two-and-a-half chapters, 15:22 until chapter 18, that recounts, then, the journey towards Sinai.


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  • He also is associated with a mountaintop, Sinai, and gives instructions for the building of a tabernacle, a tent-like structure, in which he will dwell.


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  • God's redemption of the Israelites is a redemption for a purpose, a purpose that doesn't become clear until we get to Sinai, for at Sinai the Israelites will become God's people, bound by a covenant.


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  • And thus begins the book of Exodus, which will lead us from Egypt to Sinai.


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  • And so the story continues. In the third month, after the Exodus, the Israelites arrive at the wilderness of Sinai, and they encamp at the mountain where Moses was first called by God, the text says.


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  • Scholars tend to place great emphasis on the deliverance from Egypt as the high point in the Exodus narrative, rather than the more natural literary climax, which is the conclusion of the covenant at Mount Sinai, and the delivery of the Torah.


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  • The covenant concluded at Sinai is referred to as the Mosaic covenant.


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  • It's a dramatic way-station in a story that's going to reach its climax in the covenant that will be concluded at Sinai, and as many sensitive readers of the Bible have noted, the road from Egypt leads not to the other side of the Reed Sea, but on to Sinai.


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  • Mount Zion is in Jerusalem, it's the Temple Mount today where the mosque now is. Today, we'll consider Levenson's analysis of the Sinai tradition as an entree into the Israelite concept of the Torah, and the covenant bond, its meaning and its implications.


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  • It's one that we'll take up in greater detail, though, when we get to the book of Deuteronomy, where it is stressed to a greater degree than it is in Exodus, but for now, we can accept Levenson's claim that Sinai represents an intersection of law and love, because of the use of the suzerainty model.


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