In a compiled language, you have an intermediate step, in which you take the source code, it runs through what's called a checker or a compiler or both, and it creates what's called object code.
You write the source code, the stuff that looks like this and then you save your file, and now you just have a text file.
What that basically says is the following: in an interpreted language, you take what's called the source code, the thing you write, it may go through a simple checker but it basically goes to the interpreter, that thing inside the machine that's going to control the flow of going through each one of the instructions, and give you an output.
So write the so called source code which is in a specific language.
Here's that source code again.
There is this include which allows me to include code, source code so to speak that other people wrote so I don't have to figure out for myself how to print things to the screen.
hi3 And then all of these other white files are just source code files, dot C file.
Well, as we'll eventually show you the source code, the code we wrote for GetInt itself.
SRC back One is called SRC for Source and one is called SRC.back which was my backup of today's source code in case I screw up.
And you can write your source code in it but to compile something you don't run a command like GCC and then the name of the file, you instead click a button.
So you have to somehow convert the source code, the C code into 0s and 1s and for that process there exist this tool called a compiler that someone else wrote that takes this stuff as input and produces this stuff as output.
So among your printout from Wednesday, if you have it, you have a file called math1.c. If you don't have this, the programs are short today, so it should be easy enough to follow along visually, but a PDF and the actual source code is available online for these things.
So in other words, if you terminate these lines early, if you terminate the four loop early, if you terminate an if condition early with that semicolon, the code may very well work; and this is a common source -- of frustration and conundrum because you don't -- because your code looks right and yet it's misbehaving, but that semicolon means stop looking for subsequent lines of related code.