Despite his troubles, the death of the singer dubbed the "King of Pop" has been greeted with widespread sadness by statesmen, fellow superstars and ordinary people alike.
VOA: standard.2009.06.26
They seem to be designed less to recruit philosophers and potential philosophers than to shape and educate citizens and future statesmen.
Thrasymachus We will also see Thrasymachus, a cynical intellectual who rivals Socrates as an educator of future leaders and statesmen.
Upon his return, he established this school at Athens he called the Academy, "Academy" for the training of philosophers, statesmen, and legislators.
The statesmen in the Aristotelian sense is the one who seeks to return as quickly and efficiently as possible to the normal situation.
The quality that I am attempting to describe is that special understanding of public life which successful statesmen have whether they are wicked or virtuous.
In it he asks "What is the intellectual quality that successful statesmen possess that distinguishes their knowledge "? from all other forms of rationality and knowledge?"
Not at all.Aristotle emphasizes the mutable character of natural right in part to preserve the latitude the freedom of action required by the statesmen.
What most distinguishes Aristotle is that his language is addressed emphatically to citizens and statesmen not to other political scientists or philosophers. It has a public orientation.
In its oldest sense political science simply was a science of statecraft. It was addressed to statesman or potential statesmen charged with steering the ship of state.
And in such situations where the very survival of the community may be at stake we might call these emergency situations the conscientious statesmen must be able to respond appropriately.
These political clubs or parties use their influence to incense the populous using their power to whip up dangerous passions that tend to make American politicians closer to demagogues than to statesmen.
It is also a virtue of great statesmen.
Yet other voices within the tradition--Plato Machiavelli Rousseau come to mind -believed that regimes can be self-consciously founded through deliberate acts of great statesmen or founding fathers as we might call them.
How do we educate potential statesmen?
It is the skill possessed by the greatest statesmen you might say the fathers of the constitutions as it were who create the permanent framework in which allows later and lesser figures to handle change.
Nine-eleven on the United States on September 11 2001] for example a moral law that refused to allow the statesmen to protect the community in times of crisis would not be a principle of natural right it would be a suicide note.